10 Creative Ways Grocers Can Engage Millennials

For millennials, grocery shopping is a far cry from stocking up on weekly staples. Studies continue to show that their purchase decisions are driven by their healthy eating habits, budget constraints, technology obsession, and desire for experiential shopping. Just a handful of recent data shows:

How We Match Tenants

Shopping centers can have a major impact on the health of a community. Placing—and keeping—the right tenant in the right location is critical to creating a center that provides value to the community and maximizes foot traffic, and in turn, brings value to our investors.

For instance, our Regional Vice President of Leasing, Vasili Lyhnakis, was recently part of an opportunity that allowed us to recapture some sites in our portfolio due to RadioShack closures across the country.

The Future of E-Commerce and the Grocery Business

While many retail sectors have added e-commerce to their business models, the grocery segment has lagged behind. In some sectors, such as office supplies, e-commerce comprises half of all sales. By contrast, grocery and consumer packaged goods (CPG) e-commerce sales comprise only about three percent of the sector's sales.

The Grocery Industry - 99 Years of Prosperity (with many more to come)

The grocery industry is celebrating its 99th anniversary. I recently came across the article “The grocery store turns 99 with its survival in doubt” (Fortune Magazine) in which author Chris Morris discusses the future of the grocery industry.

Free Donuts in the Kitchen

Whether it’s about strategic plans, budget numbers, happy hour or free food, every professional in today’s business world is required to share information at some point during the course of their day.  And it’s not always easy.  How often have you found yourself asking someone, “Didn’t you read the email/memo/flyer, etc.?”  How often has the answer been, “I saw it but didn’t read it” or “I read it but forgot what it said”?  Effective communication is a challenge we all face.   

4 Grocers That Are Grabbing Budget-Conscious Consumers

Price continues to be a competitive differentiator for grocers. Forty-five percent of consumers who stopped shopping at a given supermarket did so in search of lower prices, according to a 2015 Consumer Reports survey. The survey also found that only 60 percent of consumers were completely or very satisfied with their store's prices.

Five Retail Markets to Watch Right Now

There are several favorable markets that will continue to provide opportunities as part of our nationwide acquisition strategy. Populations are growing, consumer spending power is high, and real estate is tending to offer consistent returns. Here are some of the top markets where we’re seeing solid demographic and economic growth trends that are creating lucrative opportunities for investors and retailers.


Who Really are the Millennial Grocery Shoppers?

Millennials, or America’s youth born between 1982 and 2000, now number 83.1 million and represent more than one quarter of the nation’s population. Their size exceeds that of the 75.4 million baby boomers, according to new U.S. Census Bureau estimates released in June 2015.  They wield $200 billion in annual purchasing power, and they are known for wanting it all, and wanting it all now.

Continuing to Build our Acquisition Pipeline in 2015

Increased lending opportunities and limited inventory have led to stiff competition for retail acquisitions in the top 25 U.S. markets. Cap rates are the lowest we’ve seen in years and interest rates remain down, while rents continue to grow.

Amid the high competition, we have been an active REIT buyer. We acquired 77 assets last year for $1.2 billion, and we were named the fastest growing acquirer in 2014. Through July of this year, we have acquired 27 centers, bringing our property total to more than 270. We aim to buy another 35 to 40 centers by year-end.

Grocers Zero In on the Zero-Wait Checkout

Forget the days of waiting in line to make your purchases. The checkout process is rapidly changing as grocers continue to test new technologies that enhance and/or replace the traditional cashier-and-conveyor-belt model. Goodbye crowded checkout aisles. Hello streamlined purchasing and more enjoyable shopping experiences.

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