Recommended Reads for RECon Travels (or Summer!)

In less than a month, more than 35,000 people will head to Las Vegas for ICSC’s RECon conference.  With that travel often comes waiting time at the airport – and a perfect opportunity to catch up on reading.  I thought I’d share my top five recent reads to help you pick a book for your travels.  If you’re not headed to RECon, summer is coming and always a good time to catch up on your reading list.

The Coffee Wagon Gang

In our newest coffee-fueled People of PECO story, Senior Project Manager Dan Boyle shares the lessons he and his “Coffee Wagon Gang” learned selling coffee to the I-70 construction crew in 1968. The young entrepreneurs’ time on that road side helped set the stage for Dan’s future success.

Creating Opportunities with PECOI, and a Few Others...

Before I started college, I had a very important conversation with my father. He told me, “You’ve done very well throughout school and have created an opportunity to go to a number of good schools. However, you will have to fund whatever choice you make.” And with that, my mindset and priorities totally changed. I needed to focus on finding a university that would provide me with the opportunity to get a good education and allow me to financially support myself.

Gathered with the World’s Experience Leaders

“Customer Experience” is a frequently heard buzzword in our industry today and as marketers, we are always looking for opportunities to improve the experience. Imagine my delight when I learned about The Experience Management Summit billed as the “Annual Gathering of The World’s Experience Leaders” being held just two blocks from my office.

Defining Leadership: The PECO Way

Author John Maxwell once said, “The single biggest way to impact an organization is to focus on leadership development. There is almost no limit to the potential of an organization that recruits good people, raises them up as leaders and continually develops them.”

Phillips Edison Focuses on Women in Leadership

2017 was a powerful year for women’s voices. Women came forward telling their stories – not only of sexual harassment but of gender imbalances in their industries, disparity for advancement and failure to receive equal pay. While Hollywood made a huge impression, these voices were heard through many other industries, including the commercial real estate industry.

Making Accounting Fun

How many “boring accountant” jokes have you heard?  Probably quite a few.  The common perception that accountants are dry and tedious probably stems from the fact that we spend a lot of time behind our desks dealing with facts and figures that many people find mind-numbing.

What I Would Tell My Younger Working Mom Self

As a new empty nester with my freshman daughter away at college, I often find myself reflecting back on the 18 years that I spent as a working mom. I am grateful for my family’s support, amazing employers and fellow moms that have provided valuable advice as I raised my daughter. Through it all, I learned many lessons.  Here are my top 5:

Working Remotely Requires More Than Just a Dining Room Table

People often think that working from home requires nothing more than a computer and a dining room table.  I beg to differ.  Successful remote employment takes much, much more.  During my thirteen years of working from home for Phillips Edison & Company, the organization has grown, technology has exploded and my role has evolved.  Looking back at all of the changes that the years have brought, I’ve noticed a few consistencies that I believe have allowed me to continue to be a productive and engaged member of the team.  Here are my top four reco

Networking Follow-Up: Making It Memorable and Authentic

One of my recent posts talked about networking at RECon Vegas, the retail real estate industry’s biggest conference of the year, and the ultimate networking opportunity. As we start gearing up for the busy fall season, filled with another round of conferences, it’s the perfect time to revisit the art of following up. At the end of a conference, attendees often return home with a stack of business cards and notes.  This is when the real work of networking – actual relationship building – truly begins. 

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