At Phillips Edison, we pride ourselves on our ability to maintain focus and attention to detail on each and every property we manage. While each shopping center has a dedicated property manager, we routinely have several sets of eyes on the ground to assess all aspects of every center in our portfolio. Each person has different levels of expertise in varying disciplines. Allowing each to weigh in ensures that nothing goes unnoticed and that the centers are meeting our high standards.
My goal is to visit the majority of our properties annually and Jeff Edison visits them as often as possible. Other team members who tour the centers include our Vice President of Property Management and his leadership team, construction personnel, leasing agents, and portfolio management team members.
Assessing the cleanliness and level of general maintenance of a center tend to be obvious, but other factors of making and keeping a property great aren’t as straight forward. These include:
- Reviewing tenant mix and providing leasing with ideas for potential backfill opportunities
- Touring anchor spaces to estimate health and viability of their businesses
- Exploring the market to measure the competition and anticipate potential market shifts, future development sites and new home growth opportunities
- Talking with our tenants and listening to their suggestions
In addition to assessing the centers and their markets, I always look forward to spending some time with the property managers and leasing agents. Their insights on the properties, communities, tenants and customers are invaluable and I appreciate hearing their thoughts and touching base with remote team members that I don’t often see in our main offices.
Phillips Edison has an outstanding reputation for consistently providing excellent results to our partners and investors. Our ability to do this starts with attention to detail on each and every one of the over 320 properties in the portfolio. Although we are in a growth mode, we are keeping our focus on well-maintained properties, and, as we like to say, “thinking big but acting small”. One of the biggest compliments that I have received is when people have told me that they can identify a Phillips Edison property by the way it is maintained. Details such as the ones listed above are just a few of the many ways Phillips Edison provides outstanding results by creating great grocery-anchored, neighborhood shopping experiences.